What To Email Your Clients
This is going to be one of the most important and frequent scripts that you send to new leads.
With these emails you need to connect with the lead and their specific session, separate yourself from every other photographer, communicate your value and line up the next steps to move the exchange forward.
To get the full script – watch the workshop here.
There are three crucial elements to sending an email to a client.
- Your Subject Line
- Your Body
- Your Signature
Think of it like the paragraph hamburger you were taught in elementary school.
When responding to an inquiry, the subject line is automatically entered as whatever default subject your contact form applies.
“New Inquiry: Alana’s Session”.
“Wedding contact submission”
“New lead”
Then the client gets your response in their inbox, and the first thing they see is “RE: XXX..”… BORING.
Let’s spice things up. Let’s create some interest to open up that bad boy.
For the subject line, there are different routes you can take.
- Authority.
You can flex your authority by writing “best photographer in XXX!”
- Humor
Whatever fits your brand! “Don’t have wedding photos that you’ll regret.”
- Curiosity
Your Ohio Wedding Photographer is ready!
Bonus tip: Use emojis (selectively) to make it stand out.
I go over a number of example subject lines that can work wonders in the full workshop.
The main body text of email is the main event.
In the full workshop, not only do you get the word for word script, but I go over the psychology behind each line as well/
The last part of your email is your signature. It is like your conclusion. It is very easy to create your own, pretty email signature.
A few things you want to include:
Your brand/Logo – Let the client know who you are.
Authority: Include three to five logos from your top publications, awards, or experiences
Office Hours and/or Location – Listing your office hours can let your clients know when you are in the office (especially the needy ones).

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