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FREE WORKSHOP: What To Text Your Clients

June 10, 2021

What To Text Your Clients On day two of the workshop, You receive a script on what to text your new leads! To get the complete Script – watch the workshop here! There are three main reasons you want to send a text to your leads. It gives you direct access. Not everyone is constantly […]

I'm BEN!

I'm your no-BS friend that will help you get out of your own way and design the life you want to live—without wasting years of your own trying.


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What To Text Your Clients

On day two of the workshop, You receive a script on what to text your new leads!

To get the complete Script – watch the workshop here!

There are three main reasons you want to send a text to your leads.

  1. It gives you direct access.

Not everyone is constantly checking their email every time they get a notification. However, a text is typically received faster. 

2. Texting is more personal.

Texting a client creates a more personal and intimate connection than email. An email has a barrier between you and the client. 

3. It creates separation for you and your competitors. 

Most photographers will only email, so a great way to stand out is to text your clients. It also creates another touchpoint. 

A touchpoint can be defined as any way a consumer can interact with a business, whether it be person-to-person, through a website, an app, or any form of communication.)

It has been said that it takes up to 28 touchpoints with the buyer for a luxury item sale!

Now, not every person will prefer texting over emails, and they might only respond to your email. But vice versa can be true. 

The number one rule is to respect people’s personal devices. 

You are not going to keep texting them follow-ups. This is a ONE text exchange only.

Now you may be asking, “Ben, I don’t have my lead’s phone numbers. How do I text them?”.

Here are the steps:

  1. Require a phone number on your contact form

If the potential client wants information, they are going to put their phone number. They are asking for your information and value. 

2.Mirror the connection point

This is a critical part of the process. 

You want to first reply in the method that they contacted you in. So if they emailed you, first email a response then send your text.

I will give you an email script on how to transition from email to text in the workshop. Watch it now here. 

3. What to Say 

In the workshop, you get the entire script on what to text your lead, and the pro-tips needed for the best results! 😉 

With the method you learn from the workshop, not only will it set you apart from other photographers and create a more luxurious experience, but you will receive more bookings.

There is nothing to lose. Go watch the FREE workshop. 

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I’m Ben, your new no B.S. friend.

Born and raised surrounded by the golden oceans of Ohio's corn fields, homeschooled till it wasn't cool — I grew my first million dollar business in the garage of our studio apartment. The Podcast brings you all the experiences I learned along the way...minus the cornfields and living room education.

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