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The Most Important Image On Your Photography Website

October 7, 2015

There is one image on your website that should be better than (or as good as) any other shot that you have taken. Your own headshot. When the prospective client sees your headshot, great opinions will be formed about who you are, what you do, and whether or not you’re the right fit for them…all […]

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I'm your no-BS friend that will help you get out of your own way and design the life you want to live—without wasting years of your own trying.


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There is one image on your website that should be better than (or as good as) any other shot that you have taken.

Your own headshot.

When the prospective client sees your headshot, great opinions will be formed about who you are, what you do, and whether or not you’re the right fit for them…all in about 1/10th of a second!

This transcends just wedding photography.

This is for ALL photographers.

Here are five reasons why you MUST have an amazing head shot.
 1. People want to know who they’re trusting with their memories
2. If you want to charge 10k, you better look like a 10k photographer
3. Clients hire those they relate to (or want to be like)
4. If you don’t value your own photograph, why should they value theirs?
5. If this is the imagery you create when you have all the time in the world and 100% control, what will the images look like when you don’t?

I want to show you a break down, piece by piece, for how we took our killer new head shots!


Headshot Tutorial

You might think you need to rent a studio space, buy a bunch of studio lighting, props, find that old rustic space with the sexy wooden floors, or ultimately spend an arm and a leg to get professional studio head shots.

You don’t.

In the video below I walk you through all of the problems I encountered with this shoot and how I solved them.


What You’ll Learn

  • Where to find a FREE Location with high ceilings and stunning wood floors
  • What lens to shoot with
  • How to do the shoot in under $200
  • Lighting two people with a single off-camera light
  • How to use environmental lighting
  • How to “turn on” a broken light in Lightroom
  • How to shoot wide open at f1.4 during the day, but still create a dark dramatic image
  • How to pose a man and woman relative to a single light
  • Camera settings and EXIF data

Gear Used

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I’m Ben, your new no B.S. friend.

Born and raised surrounded by the golden oceans of Ohio's corn fields, homeschooled till it wasn't cool — I grew my first million dollar business in the garage of our studio apartment. The Podcast brings you all the experiences I learned along the way...minus the cornfields and living room education.

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