
SFPP 06: How To Create An Authentic Brand With Amy and Jordan Demos

October 7, 2015

Four years ago I paid a graphic designer $2500 to rebrand my photography business as a luxury service. That $2500 ended up being one of the best investments I ever made. As a result of that rebranding we now attract 10-20k weddings. Branding your photography business plays a major role in not only the amount of […]

I'm BEN!

I'm your no-BS friend that will help you get out of your own way and design the life you want to live—without wasting years of your own trying.


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Four years ago I paid a graphic designer $2500 to rebrand my photography business as a luxury service.

That $2500 ended up being one of the best investments I ever made.

As a result of that rebranding we now attract 10-20k weddings.

Branding your photography business plays a major role in not only the amount of money you’ll make, but also the clientele you’ll attract.

I’ve seen first hand the power branding can have on your business, so when I was planning out the topics I wanted to cover on the podcast, branding was at the top of the list.

That’s why I invited Amy & Jordan Demos to be guests on today’s show.

When I think about who’s doing branding well in the photography industry, Amy & Jordan are the first people that come to mind.

Amy & Jordan have had their work featured in People Magazine, E! Online, The Huffington Post, and they were speakers at WPPI last year.

Basically, they’re killing it.

In this episode I talk to Amy & Jordan about why branding is so important and how you can create your own authentic brand.

What You’ll Learn

  • What you should be doing to attract your ideal client
  • Why being polarizing is a GOOD thing
  • What your “true” job is on a wedding day
  • How to find your deeper “why”


Download Amy & Jordan’s The Quickstart Guide To Your Dream Job eBook, which has 13 proven strategies on how to make your dream a reality.

Resources Mentioned
Amy & Jordan’s Blog
The Quickstart Guide To Your Dream Job
How To Win Friends And Influence People
Seth Godin’s Blog
David And Goliath
Start With Why
Love And Respect

Fundy Software
Photo Booth Supply Co.

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I’m Ben, your new no B.S. friend.

Born and raised surrounded by the golden oceans of Ohio's corn fields, homeschooled till it wasn't cool — I grew my first million dollar business in the garage of our studio apartment. The Podcast brings you all the experiences I learned along the way...minus the cornfields and living room education.

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