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FREE WORKSHOP: How To Book And Price Small Weddings And Elopements

May 26, 2021

How To Book And Price Small Weddings And Elopements In this workshop I am going to cover how to price your small weddings and elopements.  Click here to skip the post summary and watch the workshop video for all the goodness.  There is one major thing to think about when pricing your elopements and small […]

I'm BEN!

I'm your no-BS friend that will help you get out of your own way and design the life you want to live—without wasting years of your own trying.


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How To Book And Price Small Weddings And Elopements

In this workshop I am going to cover how to price your small weddings and elopements. 

Click here to skip the post summary and watch the workshop video for all the goodness. 

There is one major thing to think about when pricing your elopements and small weddings. It’s called your MLE.

MLE stands for Minimum level of engagement. 

Your MLE represents the very minimum level of service, experience & product that you offer. 

The goal of the MLE isn’t to strip your offer down to just a bunch of a la cart options. It’s to create a starting price that factors in the value of the experience your offer.

Most small wedding and elopement photographers fall into the trap of just billing their hourly rate for the event. 

The MLE’s will be disconnected and higher than just an hourly rate because it is taking into account the full process and experience that comes with being able to work with you.

In the workshop I go over an example of what this looks like. 

Click here to watch. 

Once you get your MLE set, we need to actually get you booked at the right price. 

Most photographers think that in order to get the client for a 4 hour day, they must compete on price, but that is not the case. 

Clients are willing to spend great sums of money on anything as long as they see the value as something that outweighs the cost. 

The way that you get them to see the value is to guide your clients with intentional questions.

If I try to convince them I’m worth it, I’m selling. No one likes to be sold to. 

However, if they arrive to the conclusion on their own, we are closing. 

Jonathan stark says it perfectly this way

If I say it, I’m selling.

If they say it, I’m closing. 

The goal is to have your client discover and express the value they have for eachother, the day, and in turn, your services. And great news, I am going to tell you exactly how to do that by a simple formula for the conversation. 

The conversation looks like this: 

  1. Prime
  2. Empathize
  3. Diagnose
  4. Encourage

In the workshop, I go over examples of what each of these look like. 

Click here to watch the workshop to learn how to price small weddings and elopements!

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I’m Ben, your new no B.S. friend.

Born and raised surrounded by the golden oceans of Ohio's corn fields, homeschooled till it wasn't cool — I grew my first million dollar business in the garage of our studio apartment. The Podcast brings you all the experiences I learned along the way...minus the cornfields and living room education.

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