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FREE WORKSHOP: How To Make Money With Print Products (Without Being Salesy)

May 26, 2021

How To Make Money With Print Products without Being Salesy One of the biggest reasons photographers don’t do In-Person Print Sales (IPS) is because they don’t want to be salesy.  If you resonate with that, in this workshop, I will teach how you can do IPS without the high pressure sales tactics. Click here to […]

I'm BEN!

I'm your no-BS friend that will help you get out of your own way and design the life you want to live—without wasting years of your own trying.


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How To Make Money With Print Products without Being Salesy

One of the biggest reasons photographers don’t do In-Person Print Sales (IPS) is because they don’t want to be salesy. 

If you resonate with that, in this workshop, I will teach how you can do IPS without the high pressure sales tactics.

Click here to skip reading and get straight to the video.

In the workshop, I go over the number one mistake photographers make with print sales. Then I cover three ways to make money with print products. Lastly, I go over how we got to an average of $3,000 in print sales per client (that’s resulted in roughly 100k additional profit for the year of 2019). 

There are many red herring problems out there that are preventing photographers from selling prints. Things like:

What products do I sell?

How do I price the products?

How do I host a reveal?

How do I close? 

Y’all, the list is long. But, there is a much bigger problem for why you aren’t offering print products…

The sales call is NOT where the sale happens.
The sales call is where the closing happens.

Meaning this – The In-Person Reveal session is NOT where the sale takes place, that’s just where the closing takes place. 

The secret is that the sale happens much earlier and is not a single event.

In the workshop, I go into detail about precisely what this means and the strategy on how to prepare your clients to purchase products after the session WITHOUT the awkward, salesy feeling. 

In the workshop, I also provide a script to email your clients to start the conversation about purchasing prints. What are you waiting for? You are sitting on money. 

Go watch the workshop

Above, I mentioned in 2019, we made over 100k profit from print sales. I don’t say that to brag. I’m telling you because that is money you are leaving on the table.

To achieve that number, two critical things were put in place. 

  1. We gave every single client an album. 

You might be thinking, “that is a lot of money out of pocket.” If you are thinking that, watch the entire workshop, and you will understand that 99% of the time, it turns into making money rather than another expense out of pocket.

  1. We guided our clients through an experience that served them. 

Rather than photographing the client and then emailing over an online digital gallery of images, we coached them from the moment their inquiry came into our inbox.

You want to be your client’s guide. 

If you want to make more money with print products without being salesy, click here!

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I’m Ben, your new no B.S. friend.

Born and raised surrounded by the golden oceans of Ohio's corn fields, homeschooled till it wasn't cool — I grew my first million dollar business in the garage of our studio apartment. The Podcast brings you all the experiences I learned along the way...minus the cornfields and living room education.

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