Get The PROVEN Step-By-Step Framework Hundreds of Wedding Photographers have Used To Grow Their Photography Business To Over $100,000+ 

Most photographers are EXHAUSTED... do any of these sound familiar?

Getting Ghosted

No inquiries

Being Told "You're too expensive."

Getting burnt out

Being undercut by competition

Not knowing what to charge

Don't want to sound salesy

Confused on HOW to do it

Doing it all alone

After working with thousands of photographers, I can tell you one thing for certain...

Most Photography Businesses Don't Fail Because Of Their Photography

They fail because they struggle with the business demands of running a studio and only focus on creating beautiful images.

It's not their fault though...

I used to think this way too.

It makes perfect sense to think that if you keep improving at your craft that booking clients would become easy.

But when it comes down to it, amazing work won't save a poorly run photography business.

Having a consistent stream of photography leads is so much more than just being able to do what you love every day.

When you have an abundance of people wanting your service, two amazing things start to happen...

  • You can increase your prices (and gain more financial freedom)
  • You can choose who you want to work with (no more saying yes to pushy problem clients because you need the money)

Contrary to popular belief, the photography industry isn't dying.

There's actually an explosion of opportunity to earn a living capturing images... 

...if you know how to market your services

Hi there, my name is Ben Hartley and in the last 14 years I’ve ...

  • Built a six figure photography business (by year 2)
  • Rated the #1 photographer in Ohio
  • Receive hundreds of inquiries every year

Now I want to show you how you can do the same, and it all starts with getting clients.

But before we get to that... I want to address some common myths photographers have about getting clients

Myth #1: You have to compete on price to get Inquiries

I'm going to start with this one, because it's the one I hate most.

Whoever competes on price loses.

They lose because it's not sustainable. It's a race to the bottom.

The results may mean you book sessions, but at those rates you would have to shoot so many events that you will burn out, hate work, struggle with personal life balance and rob yourself of the joy of owning your own business (sound familiar?).

Many photographers know this, so they price themselves in the middle. They look around their market, determine the average rate, and then match it.

Here is the HUGE problem with that strategy... the average price range is the price range with the greatest amount of competition! 

You need to eliminate your competition, not get lost in sea of photographers! 

When your clients see your work priced in the middle of the market, they logically conclude that your work is average and similar to everyone else's.

Do you know who will never hire you?

A client who really cares about their photography and wants the best of the best.

Clients are happy to pay premium prices if you're delivering more value than what you're charging them (Booked Solid will show you how to do this). 

Which leads me to the next myth about booking clients...

Myth #2: There’s a “Magic Bullet” that will flood your business with leads

“If I just learn how to do Facebook Ads, then my business will be successful”

“If I just post to Instagram every day, then my business will be successful”

“If I just create a beautiful website, then my business will be successful”

Look, there’s nothing I can show you that will instantly turn your photography business into a 100k profit machine.

Sorry, if you’re looking for a way to get rich quick, this isn’t it.

The reality is, most educators in our industry only focus on one specific way to get traction for your business…

FB ads…


Word of mouth…

All of these things are great!

But they don’t teach you how to put them all together in a way that they build off of each other!

Think of it like a science experiment…

Each part of your marketing is a “chemical.”

On their own, each chemical is stable.

But when you put all the chemicals together...

💥 BOOM 💥

The same thing can happen with your marketing… if you learn how to combine them in the right way, you can create a chain reaction that explodes the amount of inquiries you receive.

Myth #3: You have to live in a large city to make real money with photography

Too many photographers romanticize the idea of what a large city provides.

They imagine bigger budgets and more clients.

While that certainly can be true, there is still PLENTY of opportunity for photographers no matter what the size of your town is.

In a small city, if you structure your marketing in the correct way then you have the ability to OWN the market.

To be known as THE go-to photographer. 

The business that defines the expectations that all clients should experience.

The real problem most photographers have isn't that their town is too small...

It's getting their name out there and in front of the right people.

Why "Word Of Mouth" Isn't Enough

Most photographers depend exclusively on "word of mouth" to drive the growth of their business.

Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool to generate leads, especially when you understand that you have real control over it…

However, relying on one method of obtaining clients makes your business fragile.

That's why I've spent the last 14 years perfecting systems that generate leads for me 24/7 from multiple sources.

And the good news is, these systems can be copied + deployed into your own business so that you can start taking control of your own marketing.

  • ...Even if you live in a small town
  • ...Even if you just moved to a new area
  • ...Even if you're competing in an over saturated market
  • ...Even if you don't have a "marketing budget"

When I started out in photography, I didn’t have a clue on how to create an “actual” business...

I was making up my pricing, working for less than minimum wage, and my clients didn’t even really care about what I did.

During my first year in business, I felt like I sat in front of the computer just waiting for an inquiry to come in...

Every time my inbox number went up, I got giddy with excitement!

Oftentimes it was just an advertisement from B&H reminding me about another lens I didn’t have.

...I KNEW my work was good, but the only people that were booking me were my friends and the people they recommended me to.

If I was going to make this into a full time career that could support my family, I needed to figure out how to get more people to know about my business, because whatever I was doing just wasn't working.

Fast forward a few years and I now receive hundreds of inquiries a year!

What changed?

I learned how to build systems that generate inquiries on autopilot.

But more on that in a second, first I want to ask you a question…

Where do you want to be 

next year?

Would you like to…

  • Leave your unfulfilling day job (or help your partner leave theirs!?)
  • Make a living from half the amount of sessions you are currently doing?
  • Raise your prices and get out of the “mid-market trap?”
  • Have a business that serves YOU, instead of taking you away from your family & friends  

All of those goals are realistically possible… if you have a plan on how to achieve them.

Introducing Booked Solid

How to Win More Inquiries and Maximize Profits

Booked Solid is specifically designed to take you from ZERO to SIX FIGURES and is split into two sections. 

The first part is a clear, battle tested, tried and true step-by-step process to get you the fasted results possible!

The second part is a collection of the most powerhouse strategies available that you can plug n' play giving you the freedom to build the photography business you've always dreamed of.

Let’s take a look at what’s included in the course!

Here’s What You’ll Get

When You Enroll

After you enroll, you'll immediately get access to my complete playbook on how to market your business and maximize your profits.

All of the content is broken down into clear steps.

After you complete a step, you'll implement what you learned and move on to the next step.

At the end of the course, you'll have created a highly profitable + sustainable business.

10 Step Blueprint To Build a ROCK SOLID Business

Want to become a lead machine?

This will show you how to create a marketing plan where every piece builds off of each other to create a more sustainable business.

All-Inclusive, Hybrid and IPS Print Sales Systems to best fit YOUR business

Your business is unique to you!

Thats why I give you the tools needed to build the business model that fits YOUR goals.

No matter which model to choose, I will show you step by step how to make more money than ever before.

30 Days Of Coaching

Imagine the results you could achieve if you had access to me whenever you hit a roadblock, wanted feedback, or just felt stuck! 

The best part? You can start your coaching anytime within a year of joining Booked Solid.

Fill Your Calendar With Leads with Play-by-Play Booking Boosters

The success of your business hinges on getting new inquiries every week. I give you the exact, step by step systems to do exactly this. 

Learn EXACTLY How To Price Yourself To Maximize Your Profits

It's not just about getting a ton of leads!

It's also about how much profit you make on each client! This section will show you how to properly structure your business to earn more.

My $10,000 Client Booking Scripts + Full Client Experience Workflow

I'll share with you the exact workflows + scripts + templates that I have used to book hundreds of $10K Clients!

Pricing Calculator + CODB Spreadsheet

If you are like most creatives... numbers and spreadsheets are a bit overwhelming! Thats why I have taken ALL the stress out of it and created the perfect pricing calculator to help you get crystal clear and charge a profitable rate!

Success Guides For Every Lesson

The only thing that matters is results!

Thats why every lesson comes with a companion worksheet + checklists to make sure that you retain the information and apply the strategies into your business!

How Booked Solid Is Different From Every Other Course

You’ve Tried...

When you join Booked Solid, I make it almost impossible for you to fail.

Unlike most educators who only provide you with the one thing that happened to work for them (e.i. Pinterest, Paid ads, or Reels) and then cross their fingers and hope that it also works for you. 🤪

Booked Solid lays out the most comprehensive, step-by-step playbook of strategies and then gives you a plan to build the business of YOUR DREAMS.

The reason why most photography education courses fail to get the type of crazy results you see from Booked Solid students is because... they're just courses. If you are like me, I've bought courses, and then I don't actually do them!

Heres why...

Lack 👏 Of 👏 Support 👏 

Education alone isn’t enough.

Thats Why With Booked Solid You Get...

30 Days Coaching

Imagine the results you could achieve if you had access to me to help refine your pricing. improve your collections, or give feedback on your website copy.

Whenever you hit a roadblock or get stuck, I'm there to help.

Booked Solid is a battle tested and proven system that 1,600+ photographers have gone through and had their lives changed. 

What's Inside The Course...

Booked Solid is specifically designed to take you from ZERO to SIX FIGURES and is split into two sections. The first part is a clear step-by-step process to get you the fastest results possible!


Step 1 - Building Your Foundation

In order to know how to build a kingdom, you need a blueprint. In this step, I will give you that plan. 

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • Learn the step-by-step framework for discovering your perfect client (so we can customize your marketing just for them)
  • The first (and most important) question you must answer before discovering your target client
  • How to identify the vendors that are already serving your target client so that you can create strategic partnerships with them


Step 2 - The Secret To Six Figure Sales

In this module, I’ll go over fundamental pricing principles and the psychology behind pricing your services to maximize profit.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • The 3 different pricing models (and which one you definitely need to be using)
  • A new way to consider the phrase “Charging what you are worth” to create massive impact in your revenue
  • Learn how to clearly communicate to clients the value that your photography can offer (which will allow you to charge more)


Step 3 - Perfect Pricing Principles

I’ll show you exactly how to price your services when you’re just starting out or what to charge in order to hit your goals.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to FINALLY get clear on your numbers (and what you need to be tracking)
  • Your own Pricing Calculator + CODB Spreadsheet 


Step 4 - Packaging for Profit

How you package your services can be the difference between making $40,000/yr instead of $100,000. In this module, I walk you through how to properly set up your collections so that you stop leaving money on the table!

Il'l be sharing our 100K Packaging Model and each available strategies for weddings &  portraiture.  

1. All-Inclusive

2. IPS (In-Person Sales)

3. Hybrid

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to use creative pricing to structure your packages (and explode your profits)
  • The 12 turn key tactics that you can start using right away to make more money
  • What a “Productized Service” is (and a step-by-step guide on how to create your own)
  • How we increased our average order value from $4,200 to $13,293


Step 5 - The Ultimate Guide to Pricing Conversations & Closing

Pricing conversations and moving the sale forward is all about balance. In this series I will show you step by step how to manage this delicate process.

Here's what you'll learn in this module: 

  • When to reveal pricing and how
  • What to say on a phone call to book clients right then and there
  • The critical questions you must ask to create value 
  • Step by step outline of a consultation


Step 6 - Transforming Your Website Into A Client Converting Machine

Providing value to your clients is the foundation that your brand needs to be built on. This module will give you a blueprint on how to craft a crystal clear positioning for your brand and deploy it across your website, videos, and other marketing.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • Why most photographers struggle with bookings (and how not to be one of them)
  • How to separate your business from other photographers and dominate your market (no matter how small)
  • What a positioning statement is (and why it’s critical) + my formula for creating one for your brand
  • The importance of having a “brand process” and a look behind the scenes at mine
  • How to supercharge your website into a client converting machine (without having to hire anyone)
  • 3 website mistakes almost every photographer makes that are KILLING your conversions
  • 2 marketing changes I made that skyrocketed my inquiries (and made booking WAY easier)
  • When you’re selling photography people are booking you based on the quality of your images, right? WRONG. In step 3 I’ll show you what REALLY matters to clients
  • Getting a lot of inquiries, but not a lot of bookings? The bad news is you’re not communicating your value well enough. The Good news? I’ll show you how to identify and fix it
  • Struggling with copywriting? I’ll show you my “go to” key that I use for ALL of my copy + how to create your own


Step 7 - Systems and Processes For The Ultimate Client Experience

The #1 thing that potential clients consider when deciding whether or not to make a purchase is to see the experience others have had already. 

They want to see proof that you are in fact worth it. 

The world is exponentially more connected, and most of your inquiries can’t tell the difference between a GOOD PHOTO and a GREAT PHOTO...

...but they can tell the difference between a GOOD EXPERIENCE and a GREAT EXPERIENCE.

That’s why this step is so critical for the longevity of your brand.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to create a 5 star experience for your clients (that they can't help but talk about)
  • My 27 touch point client experience (that runs on autopilot)
  • How transform a happy client into a brand advocate
  • How to not just give your clients something incredible to talk about, but how to give them a WAY to talk about it 
  • The contest I do every year that generates MASSIVE buzz around my brand (and how you can do it too)


Step 8 - Partnerships That Pay

Stop searching for leads and go to where they already are!

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • Tired of competing against so many other photographers? I'll reveal my strategy for using your competition to get easy bookings
  • Learn how to to assemble your "dream team" of loyal vendors that will sing your praise and shower you with leads (this strategy is how I booked my first $10,000 gig)
  • The #1 untapped lead source you're NOT using
  • How to use styled shoots to connect with local vendors + a detailed plan to get the most marketing benefit out of them
  • The quickest way to start getting clients when just starting out (or starting over in a new town)


Step 9 - Local SEO Domination

Take SEO into your own hands and learn how to rank for anything. This is not a general guide. I hired a professional SEO expert to reveal what's working in SEO today... even the stuff Google doesn't want you to know about.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • Understand how search engines work (so that you can bend them to your will)
  • The #1 ranking factor Google uses in 2024 to determine who gets shown on the first page
  • Learn the "3 Bucket" approach to optimizing your website for higher rankings
  • The "12 SEO sins" almost all photographers make with their websites (and how to painlessly fix each of them)
  • What local citations are and why they're critical if you want online success + get access to my personal list of over 90+ citation sources
  • 16 natural ways to build POWERFUL links to your website (so that you rank for keywords that matter)
  • My exact 5 step SEO blueprint for getting on the first page of Google (without spending any money)


Step 10 - Advanced SEO Pillar Content

Getting your work featured across blogs and publications does more than just help attract leads, it builds authority and elevates your brand. This module teaches you how to automate the hardest part of your blog posts, get your work published and how to use those blogs to create pillar content.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • Why getting your work published is critical + how to choose the right publications to submit to
  • Learn what to do AFTER you get published to amplify your exposure and get more clients (even for the smallest blog feature)
  • Think getting your work published is going to be a lot of work? Think again, because I'll show you how to get your clients to do all the heavy lifting (and be thrilled about it)
  • How to optimize your past blog posts to get more traffic (and leads)
  • What “Pillar Content” is (and how to use it to double your website visitors!)

Booking Boosters

The second part is a collection of powerhouse client getting strategies that you can plug n' play giving you the freedom to build the photography business you've always dreamed of.


Moving To a New Location 

In this module, I’ll go over fundamental pricing principles and the psychology behind pricing your services to maximize profit.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • The 3 different pricing models (and which one you definitely need to be using)
  • A new way to consider the phrase “Charging what you are worth” to create massive impact in your revenue
  • Learn how to clearly communicate to clients the value that your photography can offer (which will allow you to charge more)


Social Media Mastery

Want to create a kick-ass social media presence that actually benefits your business? This module dives deep into how to market your business with social media.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • 3 little known ninja tactics to help find, connect, and convert LOCAL ideal clients
  • Want leads fast? I'll show you how to get them in minutes using a little known social media trick
  • I'll show you the counterintuitive type of content you should be posting (and how how it can exponentially grow your following)
  • Learn how to optimize your social accounts, both personal and business to maximize your reach and tap discover new leads


Supercharged Promotional Events

End-of-The-Year Contests, Model Calls, 72 hr Flash Sales, Experience Giveaways and the Run This Town Event! These 5 strategies are lead monsters! I’ve completely revamped one of my most popular strategies to make it even more potent and added in a brand new process to create mass impact for your business

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to generate leads FAST (without spending a lot of money)
  • How to have other people pay for OVER HALF your ad spend (and thank you for it!)
  • How to guarantee that you make a profit from your session with printed product
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to create a high converting landing page + copy and paste ads you can use right away to get started


Trade Show Secrets

Trade expos tend to get a bad rep. I get it. They aren't for everyone, however most people simply approach the whole thing wrong. I want to show you how to rock your next expo.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • The 7 rules you MUST follow in order to rock your next trade show (and not waste your money)
  • How to design your booth to stand out from other photographers
  • How to build a massive crowd around your booth (and steal the show)
  • Full breakdown of the strategy I used to book $70,000 in new business from a single trade show
  • Get exclusive access to my personal proven scripts that you can copy/paste into your own business


Content Marketing + Essential Email Funnels

Marketing cycles are getting longer and longer. Your brand needs to be seen over 14 times in most instances before a purchasing decision can be made! How can you stay in front of your target client? With content marketing. I will teach you how to build powerful posts that build trust and authority with your leads (while giving you a powerful FREE way to market to them).

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to create content that your clients actually want + the must have resources you need to have ready for them
  • How to leverage your content into a POWERFUL remarketing campaign (that takes less than 15 minutes to set up and runs on autopilot)
  • What “Content Upgrades” are (and how to use them to grow your audience)
  • How to write a killer email follow up sequence that leads can’t wait to open!


Becoming The Local Expert, A Facebook Group Strategy

Facebook groups are a powerful way to connect, serve, and market to your target audience. In this module, I cover how to establish yourself as a local expert with a niche facebook group.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • How to set up your Facebook group + how to start attracting members
  • What you should be posting (and how often)
  • No time to run a Facebook group? I’ll show you how to automate your posts
  • 4 incredible case studies from other photographers just like you and how they are using their FB group to get incredible results! 


The Power of Print and Advanced Client Reveal Strategies

In this module I cover the importance of print and how you can double your revenue by offering it! I provide strategies on how to sell multi-thousand dollar albums (consistently!), wall art, and other add ons that will skyrocket your average customer value!

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

  • The step by step process to perfectly execute Print Reveals
  • How to master Same Day Reveals to increase sales! 
  • How to consistently sell $1,000+  albums (every single month)
  • Discover what printed products to offer, how to price them, and the exact process to make huge sales consistently

Will This Work For... 



After years of updating, testing, and thousands of photographers finding success. Booked Solid has been tailor-made just for you and your photography niche! Countless photographers in your field have transformed their lives with this course.

What's unique about Booked Solid is that it offers two specialized tracks based on the clients you work with. 

It gives you the freedom to pick the strategies that will skyrocket you to building the photography business you've always dreamed of.

About Ben Hartley...

For the past 14 years, I've been a coaching photographers all over the world on how to grow their photography businesses.

After personally working with over 1,600+ photographers, I can tell you one thing for certain. 


That's why I created this course, to show you how to start getting paid what you're worth so that you can reach your goals faster + live the life you've dreamed of.

Here’s What Real People Are Saying About Booked Solid

"What Are The Coaching Calls Like With Ben?"

The coaching calls are each week, and you choose to start them when you're ready! This way, if you're in a busy season of life you don't miss out. 

You will receive personal attention on each call! The calls are a hybrid of group meets 1:1. It’s just me on screen to start and then a chat of typically around 10-15 photographers. When you ask your questions in the chat, I will bring only you onscreen to work 1:1 with me.

You will have my focused and undivided attention to work through creating a customized solution for your unique business.

This allows me to ask you clarifying questions and you to dig deeper into the problem. We will workshop this back and forth until we get you to a solution.

When you purchase the course with the one time payment option, you receive an additional full month of coaching!

Is Booked Solid right for you?

Booked Solid is NOT for you if…

  • You’re looking for a magic bullet (a program that spits out a hundred thousand-dollar business) without putting in the challenging work of customer research, marketing, pricing, packaging, and positioning
  • You’re starting from $0 and expect to make $1,250,000 in 8 weeks. Get-rich-quick schemers, please leave
  • You already have a photography business, which is struggling, and you aren’t willing to change. If you resist new advice, how can I help you?
  • You’re simply looking for “motivation” and “inspiration.” I believe the most motivational thing you can do is get RESULTS, so while I’m friendly and supportive (or so I’ve been told), I’m ultimately concerned with your success

Booked Solid is right for you if…

  • You’re ready to invest in yourself to build a successful photography business
  • You’re committed to spending the time to build a successful online business, and you know this will not happen overnight. You know that if you put in 2-5 hours a week and do the heavy lifting upfront, you can enjoy the rewards for years to come
  • You’re looking for a SYSTEM, not random tactics
  • You’re wanting to better serve your clients and make a difference for them, not sell snake oil

So let me ask you again…
Where do you want to be in a year?

Are you happy with where you’re at?

Follow up question...

What are you doing to change it?

Take a moment and think about where your photography business is RIGHT NOW and where you want it to be 3 months from now...

...6 months from now

...a year from now.

And then ask yourself...

Do you want to do this on your own? Or would you like a guide to show you the way?

Someone who has been where you are and knows WHAT WORKS and what doesn't.

This course is a shortcut to learning what has taken me over 14 years of trial + error.

How Much Would A Guide Be Worth To You?

Think what would happen if you:

  • Doubled your prices in the next year
  • Built a relationship with a key vendor in town who could send you a steady stream of leads
  • Stop paying for low quality leads from directories or Thumbtack who just want the cheapest prices

That would be pretty life-changing, right?

Check out what happened for my student Bob. 

He went through the old version of this course, put it to work, and went from annual revenue of $7,860 to $136,390 in under two years!

...and Bob’s not the only one getting results like this after going through my training!

Peter went from charging $300 to $3,000!

Joe used my Trade Show Secrets module to make $35,000 from one event...

Nina used my Engagement Session Giveaway strategy to book $13,000 worth of leads in one week...

David increased his prices and sold his first ever 5 figure session!

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see what you're looking for? Email [email protected]

I buy education all the time but don't finish it. How will this be any different?

The reason why most photography education courses fail to get the type of crazy results you see from Booked Solid students is because... they're just courses.

Education alone isn’t enough.

That's why every person that joins Booked Solid gets free group coaching with me.

When you surround yourself with successful people, it rubs off.

Imagine the results you could achieve if you had access to me whenever you hit a roadblock, wanted feedback, or just felt stuck!

I purchased a course in the past that sucked. I don't want to get burned again. I'm hesitant.

I added this one, because this is me. I've been screwed over in the past and its a terrible feeling.

First, I'm so sorry that happened to you. If I cant make you money, I don't deserve yours.

That’s why I offer my “ZERO RISK - 100% MONEY BACK *PLUS* GUARANTEE”

Work with me for 30 days and if you are unsatisfied for any reason - or no reason at all - simply email me within 1 month - and I'll do the following ...

  • 💰 Return every penny - No questions asked
  • 📄 Keep all of my scripts + emails + questionnaires + workflows + templates
  • 🤯 I'll even PAY YOU $100/hr for any time wasted on coaching calls that were not helpful to you!

Lastly, my reputation is everything. Over 1,600 photographers have gone through Booked Solid and have experienced results for themselves. 

This system works, if you're willing to put in the work.

Will this work for portrait photographers?

Yes! This is who Booked Solid is for...
Families, Boudoir, Seniors, Newborns, Maternity, Branding, Equine, Pets, Elopements and Couples.
After years of updating, testing, and thousands of photographers finding success. Booked Solid has been tailor-made just for you and your photography niche! Countless photographers in your field have transformed their lives with this course. What's unique about Booked Solid is that it offers two specialized tracks based on the clients you work with. It gives you the freedom to pick the strategies that will skyrocket you to building the photography business you've always dreamed of.

I'm just starting out. I'm worried that I'm too new for this course.

You are not too new. This is exactly why you SHOULD start Booked Solid at this early stage. I will take you from the ground up and show you step by step exactly how to build a wildly successful business while avoiding all the mistakes everyone makes when they are trying to figure it out on their own. 

What if I get it and don't find it helpful?

I will personally see to it that you succeed with me!

However, if you don't see a significant impact to your business after working together then I don't deserve your money. 

Try it out for a full 60 days (normally 30 days) and if you are unsatisfied for any reason - or no reason at all - simply email me within 2 months - and I'll do the following ...

  1. 💰 Return every penny - No questions asked
  2. 🚀 You can keep your custom business plan that I create for you and everything you gained from our Coaching together
  3. 📄 Keep all of my scripts + emails + questionnaires + workflows + templates
  4. 🤯 I'll even PAY YOU $100/hr for any time wasted on coaching calls that were not helpful to you!

How long will it take to see results from this course?

When you follow the first 10 steps as I have them laid out, the results are more immediate since it's all about the structure and processes of your business. I can't legally guarantee any results, but several of my past students have earned $1000's more per client within a week of going through this training.

For the Booking Boosters portion, all of the modules build off of each other. You'll start to improve your business right away, but as you implement each module the effects will compound on each other. Again, I legally can't guarantee any results, but after a few months, you should see significant changes in your business if you do the work. 

I'm an elopement photographer. Will this help me!?

I'm super busy right now - Can I go at my own pace? How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the course on both desktop and mobile and can watch the videos at your own pace whenever you would like. 

Is this only for IPS Photographers? What if I don't want to sell Print?

I love print, and it has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars - but it is not for everyone! The strategies inside Booked Solid DO NOT rely solely on print. Its there if you want to learn it someday, but I also teach how to offer All-Inclusive and Hybrid models of packaging!

I’m already making close to six figures, will this still be worth it?

Love this question. Yes, my guess is that there will be certain parts that you will already have dialed in (like your target client persona) that you can skip. However, this is how I went up to 400K+ a year. If you are already doing close to 100K this is an easy move to crank that up a few more multiples! Jump in and reach out to me so I can give you guidance on exactly where the greatest opportunity for growth is for you.

How long do have access to the course for?

You have access to the course forever. YAY! 

 I live outside of the US - will this work in my country?

There are photographers from all over the world enrolled in Booked Solid. Currently representing around 30 countries. The business principals I teach are universal and are not exclusive to a US client base. You do not need to charge US prices in order to be successful. I will show you how to reach the highest profit possible for your unique location.

Do you update the course?

Yes, the course has already received HUGE updates, including entire sections added. Any of these core product updates will be given to you for free as the happen.

I'm already doing well with my business, will this help me reach a high end market?

Yes - This is everything I have done to move into the premium client market. You are not a beginner, and because of that, the changes you need to make are not going to be massive shifts. For someone like you who is already doing well, it’s the small adjustments that are needed - the little blind spots that need to be identified that are going to move the needle. Jump in and reach out to me so I can give you guidance on exactly where the greatest opportunity for growth is for you.

I'm a Boudoir Photographer - Will this work for me?

Yes - Many of the greatest student success stories come from boudoir photographers! I have dedicated sections on pricing, phone call scripts, model calls, and print sales designed with boudoir specifically in mind.

 This is a get rich quick scam! Ben's a scammer! 🧢

My reputation and student results are my competitive advantage. I have been in the photography industry for over 14 years helping photographers get real results and I'm not going anywhere. You can't do that unless you are the real deal. There is nothing quick about building a profitable sustainable business. I'll show you step by step exactly how to do it but then you gotta put in the work.

I'm still hesitant. Can I talk to Ben 1:1?

Sure! Lets hop on a 1:1 discovery call before you jump in. You can ask any questions, tell me about your business and ultimately see if this is going to make a massive difference for you!

p.s. Yes, it's actually me on the phone.
p.p.s. No, I wont try to hard sell you on the call.

Schedule a call here!👇

Is the course written material or videos?

The course content is guided videos. Meaning, they are videos of me on screen, either working through accompanying slides, or when it makes sense - just screen sharing what I am doing so you can follow along. You also receive companion workbooks for each lesson that will keep you focused and taking action steps! Any scripts, emails, questionnaires or resources are also given as PDF's. 

I'm scared. 

That makes sense.

Its a big purchase and the course could create a big change in your life. Maybe things are a little slow right now and you don't know when the next client is going to come in.

This is exactly why you need this. If you're committed and ready to do the work you WILL get bookings.

Invest now, do the work, and you won't struggle for years like so many other photogs do! Plus I'll have your back for 30 days of coaching to help you work through getting unstuck. You don't need to go alone.

If you are still on the fence - lets have a 1:1 discovery call.

You can ask any questions, tell me about your business and ultimately see if this is going to make a massive difference for you!

p.s. Yes, it's actually me on the phone.
p.p.s. No, I wont try to hard sell you on the call.

Schedule a call here!👇

What are the coaching calls like?

The coaching calls are each week, and you choose to start them when you're ready! This way, if you're in a busy season of life you don't miss out. 

You will receive personal attention on each call! The calls are a hybrid of group meets 1:1. It’s just me on screen to start and then a chat of typically around 10-15 photographers. When you ask your questions in the chat, I will bring only you onscreen to work 1:1 with me.

You will have my focused and undivided attention to work through creating a customized solution for your unique business.

This allows me to ask you clarifying questions and you to dig deeper into the problem. We will workshop this back and forth until we get you to a solution.

When you purchase the course with the one time payment option, you receive an additional full month of coaching!

How do I get access to the course?

Once the purchase is complete, you will receive email with instructions on how to login and get instant access to everything. The subject will be "Welcome To The Team" 

You have unlimited access to the course on both desktop and mobile and can watch the videos at your own pace. 

Can I start the free coaching at a later date?

Of course! You choose when the coaching part of the course starts. That way, if you're in your busy season and can't start right away, you don't miss out.

Do you offer payment plans? 

YES! There is a 12 month payment plan. Just scroll down and just above the pricing options click one of the Payment Plan options.

If I do the payment plan, do I have the option to pay it off early if I want?

YES! I offer a 12 month payment plan. Also, I offer a very generous early payoff discount if you pay off the final balance before its due. 

Once I buy, do I get access to everything immediately?

Yes! Even with the payment plan. You get access to everything forever and can go at your pace. 

How can I get support if I have a question?

Ask any question directly inside the course or just hop into one of the weekly coaching calls that come with the course talk directly to me!

I'm so CONFIDENT in the results you will get from Booked Solid that I back it with one of the most insane guarantees you've ever seen... 🤯


I will personally see to it that you succeed with me!

However, if you don't see a significant impact to your business after working together then I don't deserve your money. 

Try it out for 30 days and if you are unsatisfied for any reason - or no reason at all - simply email me within 1 month - and I'll do the following ...

  1. 💰 Return every penny - No questions asked
  2. 📄 Keep all of my scripts + emails + questionnaires + workflows + templates
  3. 🤯 I'll even PAY YOU $100/hr for any time wasted on coaching calls that were not helpful to you!

"Ben, Why Would You Offer Such An Insane Guarantee?"

I've been serving this industry for over a decade, I'm in all of the same online groups that you are in, and I know all of the educators.
I have heard far too many nightmare stories of terrible education experiences. 
  • Same old, rehashed, generic info
  • Zero support once you start the program
  • Fluff - All motivation and mindset without practical step-by-step HOW
  • No refund policy (take your money and run!)

I offer the course and refund policy that I would want as a student. Thats why, If I can't make you money, then I don't deserve to keep your money. 

The thing is, the reason I'm able to offer such a wild refund policy is after having 1,600+ photographers go through Booked Solid... I know it works.

I will personally work with you to make it almost impossible for you to fail. I don't leave it up to chance. 

It’s simple: Take the course and see for yourself. If it doesn’t work, I want you to email me within 30 days and I’ll issue you a full refund before the credit card bill even hits and you get to keep everything I list in the Guarantee.

"Ben! Why Is Your Course So Expensive?"

Expensive doesn't just mean something costs a lot of money.

It's about whether or not what you get is worth MORE than what you pay.

Even something that costs only $1 can be expensive if it's no good. For example, a cheap toy that breaks easily is not worth the money. 

That $1 trinket was expensive because its value did not out-weight the cost. 

Booked Solid is priced relative to 10X + the results that it has historically gotten other photographers. 

Unlike those actually expensive $37 and $397 courses that barely make a dent in your business, Booked Solid is the last course you'll ever need to buy.

Over 1,600 photographers have gone through this course and gotten results, so I KNOW it works.

Designed as THE PLAYBOOK for your business, Booked Solid is the ultimate guide to reaching that next step in your photography business.

Imagine the growth and success you'll experience when you have the guidance + strategies that have helped countless other photographers.

Ready to get started?

Select Payment Option




  • Full Booked Solid Course (for Both Weddings and Portraits)
  • Success Guides For Every Lesson 
  • 30 Days Coaching - (redeemable for up to 1 year)
  • + 1 Additional Month Coaching with One Time Payment Bonus
  • My $10,000 Client Booking Scripts +  Full Client Experience Workflow
  • Pricing Calculator + CODB Spreadsheet
  • All-Inclusive, Hybrid and IPS Print Sales Systems to best fit YOUR business




  • Full Booked Solid Course (for Both Weddings and Portraits)
  • Success Guides For Every Lesson
  • 30 Days Coaching - (Redeemable for up to 1 year)
  • My $10,000 Client Booking Scripts +  Full Client Experience Workflow
  • Pricing Calculator + CODB Spreadsheet
  • All-Inclusive, Hybrid and IPS Print Sales Systems to best fit YOUR business


Get On A Free 1:1 Discovery Call First

Still not sure if Booked Solid will work for your situation?

Let’s jump on a call and talk about it. No hard sell. Just an honest conversation about whether I can help you or not.


I’ve put a lot of time into designing this course in a way that will get you massive results and I think you're going to love it!

However, if you don't see a significant impact to your business after going through my training then I don't deserve your money. 

Try it out for 30 days and if you are unsatisfied for any reason - or no reason at all - simply email me within 1 month - and I'll do the following ...

  1. 💰 Return every penny - No questions asked
  2. 📄 Keep all of my scripts + emails + questionnaires + workflows + templates
  3. 🤯 I'll even PAY YOU $100/hr for any time wasted on coaching calls that was not helpful to you!

TL;DR (because long sales pages are exhausting 🙄)

  1. The experience is called “Booked Solid”
  2. This program will teach you how to get more leads, book more clients, and make more money
  3. It is specifically designed for both Wedding and Portrait photographers (there are two unique versions of the course specifically tailored to each niche. You receive BOTH!) 
  4. You will get all of my proven strategies + templates + scripts + processes + client experience workflows
  5. Over 1,600+ photographers have gone through Booked Solid and experienced MASSIVE results (testimonials above)
  6. Work with me for 30 days and if you are unsatisfied for any reason - or no reason at all - simply email me within 1 month - and I'll do the following ...
    1. 💰 Return every penny - No questions asked
    2. 📄 Keep all of my scripts + emails + questionnaires + workflows + templates
    3. 🤯 I'll even PAY YOU $100/hr for any time wasted on coaching calls that was not helpful to you!

DISCLAIMER: The sales figure stated on this page are our personal sales figures and the figures of previous or existing clients. I cannot promise you any specific results, and your results will be influenced by many factors including, but not limited to, your background, experience, and work ethic.